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Hackathon y charlas en Bizz Summit 2023

Adderit Bizz Summit 2023

Adderit at Bizz Summit 2023: Sharing Experience & Knowledge


Los días 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2023, tuvimos el privilegio de ser Sponsor Oro en el evento anual de Bizz Summit, which took place in the city of Madrid.


During this event, our team stood out by delivering two keynote speeches that highlighted the experience and knowledge we have in the field of operations and Business Central. The presentations were given by two of our experts: José Andrés Gisbert, operations and finance specialist, and Abel Robledo Tierno, Business Central Consultant.


We tell you all the details below >> >

Hackathon y charlas en Bizz Summit 2023

Talk on "International Projects with a Close Partner".

One of the highlights of Adderit's participation at Bizz Summit 2023 was the successful talk entitled "International Projects with a Close Partner."

The talk was given by José Andrés Gisbert, operations and finance specialist at Adderit.

During the talk, valuable insights and experiences on managing international projects in close collaboration with partners were shared. Attendees had the opportunity to get first-hand information on how to approach international projects effectively and successfully.


Participation in the Hackathon

Another highlight of Adderit's participation at Bizz Summit 2023 was its involvement in the event's exciting Hackathon.

¿Qué es Hackathon?

It is a competition where teams compete to solve technological challenges in a limited time.

The team formed by Joan (our systems manager), Abel Robledo (our BC consultant), Elias, Paula and Pablo, stood out in this challenge, demonstrating their skills and creativity in solving technological problems.

Participating in the Hackathon was a unique opportunity to test their skills and collaborate closely in a competitive but friendly environment.

Celebración de la Hackathon

Excitement reached its peak when the Adderit team said 3rd place in the Bizz Summit Hackathon 2023!!

This achievement was a cause for celebration and recognition for Adderit, demonstrating once again its ability to excel in the technology arena and is also testament to Adderit's commitment to innovation and effective problem solving. The team is proud of this achievement and sees this as an additional impetus to continue to deliver exceptional solutions to its customers.


The second day of the event was even more intense! >> >


Calculate IPNR manually?
Forget about it, with our solution you will be able to automate processes to present the tax liquidation to the AEAT.


Power BI Talk

Our Business Central consultant, Abel Robledo has given an informative talk on: "Using PowerBI to have a 360º vision of an industrial company".


Rubik flash

In addition to the 2nd smartwatch raffle, we are also holding a flash raffle called "Rubik flash", in which we challenged attendees to solve a Rubik's cube in less than 30 seconds and win the cube as a prize - congratulations to Edgar Fernandez, who solved it in an impressive 22 seconds!


But we weren't the only ones giving out prizes, Joan Ballbé, our Hackathon team leader and systems manager at Adderit, won a prize from V-Valley Spain, so we wanted to thank them too.
The second day of BizzSummitES2023 brought more excitement and participation.



The second day of BizzSummitES2023 marked the end of this exceptional event. We thank everyone who was part of this enriching experience, full of unforgettable moments and valuable encounters with participants and speakers of the event.

And although it was intense, we look forward to what the next year has in store for us.

See you next year, Bizz Summit!



Links of interest:

Official Bizzsummit web

Publications with photos: Day 1. Day 2.

Rubik's flash Rubik Sweepstakes video

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¿El IPNR te preocupa?


El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables ya ha entrado en vigor este 1 de enero.

Desde Adderit hemos desarrollado una herramienta única en el mercado para que puedas estar al día con la hacienda.

Nosotros te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
sin problemas ni contratiempos.