Business Central flash

Do you need to implement an ERP for your company in a week?

Discover Business Central flash


Forget about lengthy implementation processes and spend more time growing your business.

We take care of the whole process, adapting the implementation time to the specific needs of your business, and we deliver a complete ERP of high quality and efficiency.

Business Central Flash rápido y económico-adderit

You will be working with your new ERP in a week

How do we do it?

⚡Step 1

If you want to migrate to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, we help you with all the previous management: creation of your new account, allocation of licenses, data migration from your previous ERP, training for your team, etc...

If you don't have Business Central and it's your first ERP, don't worry, we've got you covered. We take care of all the previously mentioned steps and help you set it all up from scratch.

⚡Step 2

We test to make sure that everything works as it should, that everything has been imported correctly, we work hand in hand with you to make this migration or new installation as successful as you are looking for. 

⚡Step 3

We train you. We'll make sure you have all the support you need during the implementation process, offering you training in Business Central and providing you with the right resources so that you won't have any uncertainty in the daily use of the system. Say goodbye to the fear of starting with a new ERP.

⚡Step 4

From the 7th day, your Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is up and running, it's as simple as that. 

What is included in the plan
Business Central flash

1. Business Central License Management

2. User registration

3. Business Central Configuration

4. Creating master data

5. Standard training in the required areas

6. Our team accompanies you during start-up

7. Exceptional price of 7.500€ (+VAT)

If you want ERP in a flash, call Adderit 

Does this plan fall short for you? If so, please contact us, with a brief questionnaire we can offer you a personalized plan.

Do you have any doubts?

We solve them in a flash

What is Business Central and how does it work?

What is Business Central and how does it work?

It is a comprehensive enterprise resource management system. 

  • The ERP on the market that best suits each sector.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly design for inexperienced users. 
  • It adapts perfectly to any device: phones, tablets, laptops, among others. 

What are the advantages of Business Central?

What are the advantages of Business Central?
  1. Drives financial and business information.
  2. Accelerates sales processes.
  1. Facilitate exceptional service to your customers.
  2. Drives supply chain optimization.

What data is needed to get started with Business Central implementation/migration?

What data is needed to get started with Business Central implementation/migration?

All the fiscal and management information related to your customers, suppliers, products, banks, PGC, etc... will be necessary.

We provide you with templates of excel so that the reports and we take care of migrating them to your new ERP.

What size of business is Business Central designed for?

What size of business is Business Central designed for?

Business Central is ideal for an SME thanks to its customization capabilities. It allows to extend the standard functionality to cover any specific need of any sector.
But it is also ideal for startups and early-stage companies, as its standard functionality covers virtually any business need.

How does commissioning work?

What if I want something else?

What if I want something else besides what is included in the Business Central flash plan?

At Adderit we are specialists in implementations that require prior consultancy and analysis of specific needs.

Do not hesitate to contact  contact with us to carry out an implementation that requires further customization and development.

And in a week I have everything ready to start using my Business Central?

And in a week I have my Business Central ready with everything I need to start working with it?


Business Central flash está diseñado para que puedas tener un ERP operativo en el menor tiempo posible.

And most importantly, how much does it cost?

And most importantly, how much does it cost?

Business Central turbo a un precio asequible: 7.500€ (+IVA)​

Do you have any doubts?


Call us or write to us directly so that we can advise you as best as possible:

Leave us your contact details so that we can contact you for free advice and poner en marcha tu ERP en una semana:

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El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables ya ha entrado en vigor este 1 de enero de 2023.

Desde Adderit hemos desarrollado una herramienta única en el mercado para que puedas estar al día con la hacienda.

Nosotros te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
sin problemas ni contratiempos.