State aid: Digital kit

The Digital Kit public subsidies are supported by the following funds Next Generation EU and aim to promote the digitalization of companies in Spain


1. What is the Kit Digital?

The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Government of Spain. It aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions (websites, online stores, management programs, mobile applications...) to achieve a significant advance in the level of digital maturity.

2. Who is the target audience?

The digital solutions provided by the Digital Kit are oriented to the needs of small businesses, micro-enterprises and self-employed workersbelonging to any sector or type of business with up to 50 employees.

3. How to get it?

If you meet the conditions established in the terms and conditions of the Digital Kit grant, you will have a digital voucher that will give you access to digitization solutions.

A través this link podrás saber si tu negocio es apto para esta ayuda. Regístrate primero y luego podrás comprobarlo.

What digital solutions can you subsidize?

Basic web implementation
Website and online presence

Design of a website with up to 6 sections. Responsive web. Includes basic internet positioning.

Starting at 1.500€

A facelift for your website.

WooCommerce online store

Creation of online store with payment methods included. Possibility of rates per customer.

Starting at 1.500€

Open a new sales channel.

Dynamics 365 for Sales
Customer management

Lead and opportunity management with one of the most advanced tools on the market.

Starting at 2.000€

The commercial follow-up you should always have had.

Power BI dashboard
Business Intelligence and Analytics

Integration with your company's current databases.

Starting at 2.000€

Make decisions in real time.

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Process management

Project, inventory, invoicing, purchasing and warehouse management. Integrable and scalable.

Starting at 4.000€

Upgrade to the latest ERP.

Adderit Facturae
Electronic Invoice

Simple and effective. 100% automation of the presentation of electronic invoices. Adapts to FACTURA-E format, unlimited invoices, e-mailing and due date control.

Starting at 500€

Fully customized product.

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