Dynamics 365 | Power Apps

Una experiencia de desarrollo accesible y flexible


What is Power Apps?

It is a tool for Microsoft to design applications, without the need to use programming codes, it has a data management and operation system that allows you to offer your products and services to your customers on their Android and iOS devices.

It's system integrates Office 365 features with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and ERM (Risk Management) to create the app that your business model needs. This business solution has the following advantages:

Save time and money with automated workflow solutions.

Usage of databases from different sources Dynamics 365, SQL Server, Share Point and Microsoft 365.

Store data securely with Microsoft Dataverse.

Continuously learn about updates in courses and workshops.

Use the tool without previous programming knowledge.

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Why choose Power Apps?

Because it includes all the tools, without the need to know about programming to create your own business apps.

Development of applications with pre-built templates in an intuitive way.

Access to specialized functions, including AI.

Extension of app functionality with Azure Functions and connectors to local or proprietary systems.
Optimization in mobile application design.
The tool is recognized by Gartner's Magic Quadrant (2020) in the category of low-code app platforms.

Which profiles might be interested in Power Apps?

Both entrepreneurs and programmers who want to create an app to develop their services for potential customers. With Power Apps, you can do all this and much more.

Entrepreneurs have access to a totally intuitive tool, without programming code, to manage the data analysis of their applications and shops in the easiest way you can imagine.

As for website and app developers, can do so by having building modules, which they can share on the team's mobile phones.

The development process is accessible and intuitive and you can follow these work steps:

1. Choose the environment and the company available in Business Central with the data to create the app.
2. Select the Application Programming Interface (API) and start designing the application.
3. Choose pre-selected templates or if you prefer to design from scratch. These can be customized to your liking.
4. Have the application managed on a daily basis through automated functions.

To invest wisely in the future of your business, it is time to use tools and solutions to help you manage your organization's data.

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If you want to know more about Power Apps and how we can integrate it into your processes, CONTACT US

¿El IEPNR te preocupa?


El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables está en vigor desde el 1 de enero de 2023.

Desde Adderit hemos desarrollado una extensión para Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central para que puedas estar al día con la hacienda.

Te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
sin problemas ni contratiempos.