
Wave 1 of Business Central 2022 is here

Novedades de Business Central

Antes de mencionar las novedades de Business Central y relacionados, debes saber que Dynamics 365 Business Central es una solución integral de aplicaciones empresariales diseñada y optimizada para pequeñas y medianas organizaciones.

In this article we will review the main novelties of this first release of 2022 novelties where, Among other things, Microsoft extends the functionality of the help panel, improves the performance and usability of the navigation menus.

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Summary of the main new features of Business Central V20

As a business application and comprehensive solution, Dynamics 365 Business Central, is a software that since it appeared on the market in 2018 has been evolving and adapting functionalities and design to market changes and different business sectors. The latest are the ones we tell in this post and we go on to list them and divide them into different areas:

  • Accidental account deletion: This version includes the option to block account deletion, so that it can be activated by adding an additional check that prevents the accidental deletion of accounts after a specific defined date.
  • Microsoft 365 optimizedIn this Wave 1 of 2022, the efficiency of collaborative business processes in Microsoft Teams is improved, and integration with Excel and Outlook is enhanced.
  • Improvements in intercompany accounting: Improves the management of intercompany transactions with a centralized financial department. It facilitates the intercompany accounting process as well as the accounting work of each of the companies that share financial data.

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  • Bank statement report: el informe de las conciliaciones bancarias contabilizadas (extractos de cuentas bancarias) se ha mejorado ahora para permitir una validación y una auditoría más eficaces. Ahora muestra una instantánea más detallada de la información bancaria en el momento en que se contabilizó la conciliación bancaria.
  • Locking VAT and accounting group configurationsBusiness Central will display notifications when General Ledger (G/L) accounts are missing in posting groups or register settings, such as the Set up VAT/Tax register groups page or the "configure accounting groups."
  • Consolidate customer and supplier balances: with this enhancement you can avoid making unnecessary payments or receipts and save on transaction fees by consolidating customer and supplier balances.
  • Business Central connector with Shopify: connector that will help those customers who want to create a better online shopping experience through this popular e-commerce application, which is also very easy to use.
  • Power Automate and Power Apps connector enhancements: This point incorporates previously missing functionalities for finding, filtering and sorting data, as well as for adding related records.
  • Different sales and billing customers depending on the projects: In many projects the party that receives the service is different from the party that pays the invoice, now this differentiation can be applied with this new update.


The new update on wave two HERE

That's all for now, we will keep you informed. so don`t miss on any updates and follow us on our social media accounts: Linkedin     Facebook     Twitter

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