
5 reasons why you need Business Central

Today's warehouses operate with a large amount of stock and it is difficult to track products correctly. Given this level of demand, it is essential for companies to control their inventories and warehouses at all times using the right management tools. Only in this way will they be able to deliver the products they need to their customers when they need them.


If you have come across this page, we assume that it is because you want to get information about how an ERP for warehouses can help you improve the management of your business. We will try to guide you in making a decision that will determine the present and future success of your organization.


What do we understand by ERP and what is it for?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a group of information systems with which a company can integrate its operations, especially those related to logistics and production.

What is ERP for warehousing and distribution?

An ERP is a transversal management system of the organization that, depending on the type of ERP, can cover all the departments of the company, but in the case of warehouse and distribution management it may not be as complete as software systems manufactured specifically for the management of this sector.


How do I know if my company needs an ERP like Business Central?

5 reasons for this are:

1. You have different software for each process.
By having different systems, you run the risk of capturing information incorrectly, as well as the loss of data and errors in its use, in addition to not being able to access the information quickly, in addition to this, the cost of maintaining different systems is much higher than having an ERP.

2. Delays in the accounting process
Not having centralized information delays accounting processes (purchases, invoicing, tax filing, etc.) having to recapture multiple data, wasting time and money to balance information, causing fines and non-compliance with the SAT, so if you need an ERP system.

3. Difícil acceso a la información
If the information is in different systems, you will have to review one by one, which represents a great waste of time, limiting your vision of the business, losing business opportunities, being forced to implement an ERP.

4. Customer service has decreased
Deficiencies in internal communication (loss of orders, purchase orders, transportation, etc.) result in poor customer service, which is detrimental to the business and its future sales.

5. Need for regulation
The implementation of ISO requires the organization to have defined processes and organized work methods. If we were to use different systems for its execution, it would be too complicated, which delays obtaining or renewing them.

The success of a company depends on how well it is managed, which is why the implementation of an ERP system is of vital importance.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centralis a single system with which you can optimize all the operations of your company, from the sales department to production. The ERP has interconnected modules and real-time information entry from any mobile device, thanks to the fact that the ERP is 100% in the cloud. Business Central ERP has an intuitive user interface, developed to streamline business performance.

CONTACT US NOW to get to know more.


Descubre las ventajas de Microsoft Dynamics Business Central para tu sector

ERP para sector especifico

Need your ERP to go further? 

We have developed an ideal software to complement your Business Central on multiple devices. witNAV, software de integración con tu erp Business Central.

It has already been tested and implemented in a multitude of projects, it is a 100% parametrizable solution for The Dynamics NAV data (the same with Business Central) and can be displayed on any mobile device and above all, it provides the user with an experience tailored to their needs along with documentation and multimedia material to facilitate the use of one of the most innovative technologies in the industry.

Principales características de witNAV:

- Access app for mobile devices, as well as desktop.  

- Option to access your data both online and offline.

- Unchanged license cost in your ERP. 

- Display adapted to any device, screen size, resolution, operating system, etc.

– Realiza pedidos, alta de referencias, gestiona visitas, captura imágenes…todo ello integrado con tu Business Central.  

- Simplified functional circuit, fast learning curve.  

- As we said before, it is fully customizable by the user, you have a backend where you can manage the information that appears in the app, the active devices, the users and their configuration... 


So don't miss the opportunity to discover the possibilities you can integrate into your business with an ERP like Business Central along with software that will make your life much easier. CONTACT US NOW



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Forget about it, with our solution you will be able to automate processes to present the tax liquidation to the AEAT.


How do we implement the ERP

Fases of implementation of an ERP




- Consulting sessions and functional analysis. 

- Generation of the project scope document. 

- Project planning and definitive assessment.



- Process review of standard functionality.

- Identification of new developments to be carried out, if necessary.

- Technical design document.

- Data loading process for testing.



- Development of new functionalities, if necessary.

- Parameterization of the test environment.

- Data loading in test environment.

- Validation of processes and developments.



- Installation of the production environment

- Parameterization of the production environment. 

- Data loading in production environment.

- End-user training.

- Start-up.

- Support.


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El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables ya ha entrado en vigor este 1 de enero de 2023.

Desde Adderit hemos desarrollado una herramienta única en el mercado para que puedas estar al día con la hacienda.

Nosotros te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
sin problemas ni contratiempos.