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ERP Business Central

Top 5 benefits of ERP Business Central for the food and beverage industry

How ERP Business Central can transform operations in the food and beverage industry

ERP Business Central: A game changer for the food and beverage industry

Amidst the complexities of managing inventory, operations, finances and customer relations, traditional methods often fall short. This is where ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software like Business Central comes in, revolutionizing the way restaurants operate and thrive.

What is ERP Business Central?

ERP Business Central is a comprehensive cloud-based solution that seamlessly integrates various aspects of a restaurant's operations, providing a holistic view of the business. It streamlines processes, improves collaboration and empowers restaurants to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

ERP Business Central para restaurantes: La solución ideal para su negocio

5 key benefits of ERP Business Central for the food and beverage industry


1. Optimized inventory management

Say goodbye to stock-outs and overstocking. ERP Business Central provides real-time inventory visibility, enabling efficient ordering, tracking and cost optimization. It facilitates the identification and elimination of out-of-date or slow-moving products.

2. Kitchen and production management

  • Management of kitchen orders: It allows orders to be sent from the POS to the kitchen automatically, organizing production and controlling the preparation time of dishes.
  • Prescription management: It allows you to create and manage recipes, calculate the cost of each dish and control the consumption of ingredients.
  • Kitchen screens: It allows cooks to see orders in real time, organise their work and avoid mistakes.

3. Improved operational efficiency

Eliminates manual data entry and streamlines processes in the kitchen, canteen and back office. ERP Business Central automates tasks, reduces errors and saves valuable time.


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4. Financial clarity and control

Get a complete understanding of your financial performance. ERP Business Central provides real-time financial reporting, enabling a complete understanding of your financial performance. informed budgeting, forecasting and cash flow management.  


  • Efficient management of collections and payments: Automate invoicing, collection and payment processes, reducing errors and improving cash flow. 
  • Regulatory compliance: Facilitates compliance with tax and legal obligations, reducing risks and fines. 
  • Facilitates the monitoring of profitability and liquidity. 
  • Treasury: It enables cash flow management, control of accounts receivable and payable, and financial forecasting. 


5. Strengthened customer relationships

ERP Business Central facilitates customer relationship management (CRM), allowing for personalised service, targeted promotions and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 


Additional benefits 
  • Scalability and growth

 As your restaurant expands, ERP Business Central grows with you. Its flexible and adaptable nature accommodates growth without compromising efficiency, allowing for the implementation of new strategies and expansion into new markets. 

  • Business Intelligence (BI)

It allows you to analyse data from different areas of the business to obtain valuable information and make more informed strategic decisions. 


Additional tips to maximise ERP Business Central in your business

  • Tailor the implementation to the specific needs and processes of your restaurant.: at Adderit, we take care of customising the ERP to the needs of your business, it is our hallmark.
  • Train your staff thoroughly to ensure that they can use the software effectively: you will have a series of scheduled hours to receive training for the team in charge of managing the ERP.
  • Continuously monitors and optimizes your ERP system to maintain optimal performance: We take care of that ourselves. We always keep you up to date with the latest news and implement the improvements that Microsoft is adding to its flagship product - Business Central.


With ERP Business Central and Adderit as your partner, your restaurant is poised to achieve the operational excellence, financial stability and customer satisfaction that will propel it to new heights>> >


Contact us now: 

Madrid: 910 971 702 | Barcelona: 938 323 134




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