
Adderit Facturae y factura electrónica en Business Central

E-invoicing is a modern approach that seeks to streamline and optimise business processes, reduce the use of paper and improve efficiency in business transactions 


What is electronic invoicing and what does it involve?


Mandatory electronic invoicing is a process involving the issuing, receipt, transmission and archiving of invoices in digital format.instead of using physical paper documents.

In summary, una factura electrónica es un fichero encriptado y seguro que se exporta en forma XML.

La facturación electrónica garantiza la seguridad y autenticidad de tus documentos contables.

En caso de Adderit Facturae,  podrás exportar las facturas y abonos de venta como ficheros XML con formato Facturae versión 3.2.2, con la posibilidad de llevar incluida la firma digital.



Que NO es una factura electrónica:

  • Un PDF firmado


«Ley Crea y Crece» is the new Law of Creation and Growth of Companies, approved by the Congress of Deputies on 15 September 2022. This law imposes the obligation on companies and self-employed individuals to implement electronic invoicing in their entities.

There are different types of electronic invoices:

  • B2B electronic invoice: For commercial transactions between businesses.
  • B2C electronic invoice: For direct-to-consumer sales.
  • Electronic invoicing for the Administration: For operations with public entities.


Who is affected and when should you start filing?

A quien afecta

  • Todas las empresas y autónomos: La normativa actual en muchos países está extendiendo la obligatoriedad de la facturación electrónica a todos los tipos de empresas, desde pequeñas y medianas empresas hasta grandes corporaciones.
  • Empresas que realizan transacciones B2B: Aquellas empresas que realizan operaciones comerciales con otras empresas son las más afectadas, ya que la facturación electrónica se ha vuelto el estándar en las relaciones comerciales entre empresas.
  • Empresas que interactúan con la administración pública: Muchas administraciones públicas exigen la presentación de facturas electrónicas para agilizar los procesos y reducir el papeleo.
  • Sectores regulados: Sectores como la salud, la construcción o el transporte suelen tener regulaciones específicas en materia de facturación, por lo que la adaptación a la factura electrónica es aún más importante para ellos.


Cuando entra en vigor

  • December 2024: companies with a turnover of 8 million annually, according to official information.
  • December 2025: companies with a turnover of less than 8 million per year, according to official information.




  • A partir del julio de 2025: será obligatorio para las empresas que facturen menos de 6 millones de euros y para los autónomos informar las facturas a Hacienda de forma inmediata. Sólo es obligatorio para empresas que no estén en el SII.

Esta funcionalidad está prevista ser incorporada en el Business Central directamente por parte de Microsoft.


According to the law, it is only obligatory to send invoices to customers who ask for them, it is not necessary to send them to all your customers, unless it is a public administration*


*It has been mandatory since January 2015.


The following are some of the key issues involved in e-invoicing:


1. Issuance of Electronic Invoices: Instead of printing paper invoices, companies generate invoices in electronic format, which can be PDF, XML or other compatible formats with electronic invoicing systems. These invoices include detailed information on the products or services sold, prices, taxes, dates and details of the sender and receiver.

Do you need to submit #invoices electronically? Our extension,- Adderit Facturae has an integrated option to create files in PDF and XML format.


2. Electronic signature: To ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic invoices, many jurisdictions require invoices to be electronically signed using digital certificates. The electronic signature ensures that the invoice has not been altered since its issuance and originates from the legitimate issuing entity.

Adderit Facturae allows you to export files with the digital signature included from Business Central.


3. Transmission: Once an electronic invoice is issued, it is also transmitted to the recipient electronically.

This can be done directly through Business Central with our module Adderit Facturae.


4. Receipt of Electronic Invoices: The recipient of the electronic invoice must have the capacity to receive and process these documents electronically. This implies having systems or software that enable the reading, validation and recording of electronic invoices in the accounting books.

With formats mentioned in point 1, you will have no problem sending files in the format required by the recipient.


5. Digital Archive: Electronic invoices must be digitally archived in accordance with the current tax and legal regulations in each country. This ensures that the documents are available for auditing and compliance with tax obligations during the required period.

This measure will not only help companies reduce their carbon footprint but also save on expenses related to paper invoice production, storage, and shipping. Additionally, it helps to avoid any possible human errors.


6. Regulatory Compliance: Electronic invoicing is subject to specific regulations and requirements in each country. Companies must comply with local tax laws and regulations governing the issuance and retention of electronic invoices.

Adderit, as your consultants, we will go hand in hand with you to keep you up to date with the regulations, always complying with the requirements of this new law.


7. Beneficios: Electronic invoicing offers several advantages, including cost reduction in printing and shipping, streamlining processes, decreasing manual errors, improving inventory management, and reducing tax evasion, among other benefits.

Electronic invoicing is a process that replaces paper invoices with digital documents, involving various technical and legal aspects that must be managed appropriately to comply with local regulations and reap the associated benefits of this invoicing method.



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What is it used for? Adderit Facturae?

Adderit Facturae is an invoicing software that allows the issuing of invoices in the following formats XML Facturae (the format required by the Public Administrations) directly from the Microsoft Dynamics 365Business Central ERP, as well as the digital signature with digital certificate of these invoices.

It also allows the integration of invoices received in XML Facturae format and the digital signature of invoices in PDF format.

Ventajas y características de Adderit Facturai


  • Efficiency and time saving: Automates invoicing, saving time on paperwork.
  • Cost savings: It reduces paper, printing and postage costs, as well as physical storage.
  • Speed in the payment process: It facilitates faster payments and improves cash flow.
  • Tax compliance: Complies with tax and legal regulations, avoiding penalties.
  • Access to real-time data: It provides current information to make informed decisions.
  • Secure storage and easy access: Facilitates document storage and search.
  • Send directly invoices and credits to the FACe platform from Business Central.


And much more.

You can read more about E-invoicing here


Adderit Facturae helps you become more efficient, reduce costs, improve cash flow and comply with legal and tax requirements, while minimizing environmental impact and facilitating the management of business documents


FAQ Facturae

By 2024, do all companies need to implement e-invoicing?

  • No, only those with a turnover of more than €8 million per year. For all other companies, it will be from 2025 onwards.


¿Cuándo entra en vigor Verif*actu?

  • A partir del julio de 2025. Más información al respecto al inicio del post.


¿Es obligatorio enviar Factura electrónica a todos mis clientes?

  • According to the law, sólo es obligatorio enviar las facturas a clientes que lo piden, no es necesario enviarlas a todos tus clientes, a menos que sea administración pública.


¿Un PDF firmado representa una factura electrónica?

  • No, un PDF firmado, NO es una factura firmada.


If so, does Microsoft not offer a standard option?

  • In Business Central, there is the possibility of exporting invoices in PEPPOL electronic format, which is a format used outside Spanish territory, but for the moment there is no adaptation for Facturae format, which is the one used in Spain.


Why choose to use Adderit Facturae and not something standard from Microsoft?

  • At the moment, Microsoft does not seem to have a standard solution and if it does, Adderit Facturae is designed to adapt 100% to the needs of each business.


Do you have any further questions? We are here to solve them, do not hesitate to write to us:

Or call us:

Madrid: 910 971 702 | Barcelona: 938 323 134



You can try our module for free for a limited time, after which the following fees will apply:

Flat rate: 9€ (up to 30 documents per month).
From 30 documents per month, additional fees ranging from €0.30 (31-499 documents/month) to €0.01 (3,000-9,999 documents/month) per document apply.

After 30 documents, additional fees apply, check and calculate your fee here: https://adderit.es/es/adderit-facturae-factura-electronica/ 


Learn more about Adderit FacturaE and how we can help you manage your invoices from Business Central.


And contact us to get all the information you need and try our module for free:

Madrid: 910 971 702 | Barcelona: 938 323 134


Available now on AppSource: Adderit Facturae


You can leave your details in the following form and we will be sure to contact you as soon as possible.





Reference links:

Ley Crea y Crece

Electronic Invoice


Adderit Facturae


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¿El IPNR te preocupa?


El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables ya ha entrado en vigor este 1 de enero de 2023.

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Nosotros te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
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