Power Pages Adderit

Power Pages and what they allow you to do

Descubre qué puedes hacer con Power Pages


Power Pages is a platform (SaaS) that provides the opportunity to easily create, host and manage business websites, offering a multitude of features that are not only useful, but also very attractive.

We present the main features, read on.



· Create websites for services such as permit and license management.

· Implement pages of frequently asked questions.

· Develop web sites that provide technical support 24/7.

· Help your partners by creating portals to incorporate suppliers monitor sustainability and manage technical support of suppliers.

· Design fast and easy with Design Studio templates, so we can quickly get started with site administration, registration, security, etc.

· Store data safely.

· Runs on Microsoft Azure and connects to Dataversewhich provides security that includes advanced encryption, rich role-based access controls (RBAC), and support for Microsoft Azure Front Door and other web application firewalls.

For those of you who have worked with WordPress, is an editor that is very similar to Divi (wordpress page builder).

It allows interacting with the elements themselves in a visual way and each component can be edited to customize each of its properties.

Power Pages connects us directly to the available Dataverse tables.



- Display the data contained in the selected table.

- View the created views.

- See the forms available for use on the website.

Como tema curioso nos permite añadir columnas en la tabla sin necesidad de hacerlo desde make.powerapps.com.


Calculate IPNR manually?
Forget about it, with our solution you will be able to automate processes to present the tax liquidation to the AEAT.



Using Visual Studio Code in Power Pages we can code advanced capabilities using JavaScript, liquid templates, code components and web APIs.

Microsoft Power Platform's command-line interface also helps developers easily upload and download their customization projects.


What will then happen to customers who have implemented Power Apps Portals?

Power Pages is a superset of Power Apps Portals, so current Power Apps Portals customers do not need to upgrade or migrate their running portals.


¿Ya sabes qué es Sharepoint y las ventajas que te proporciona? Puedes descubrirlo HERE

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¿El IPNR te preocupa?


El impuesto sobre plásticos no reutilizables ya ha entrado en vigor este 1 de enero de 2023.

Desde Adderit hemos desarrollado una herramienta única en el mercado para que puedas estar al día con la hacienda.

Nosotros te guiamos para que puedas registrar las operaciones que realices sujetas al nuevo impuesto
sin problemas ni contratiempos.