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Implementing an ERP

Implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can be a complex process, but it can also be one of the best decisions you make for your business. A well-implemented ERP can help improve efficiency, productivity and profitability. 


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What is an ERP? 

Choosing an ERP according to business needs-> Leading ERPs on the market 

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What is the benefit of implementing an ERP 

Implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can bring a number of significant benefits to businesses of all sizes and industries. Some of the main benefits include: 

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity:

  • Process automation: ERP automates repetitive and manual tasks, freeing up time for employees to focus on higher-value activities. 
  • Improved workflow management: It optimizes internal processes, eliminating bottlenecks and improving communication between departments. 


  1. Better decision making:

  • Access to real-time information: It provides accurate and up-to-date information on all aspects of the business, enabling more informed decision-making. 
  • Advanced data analyzis: It provides analysis tools to identify trends, patterns and opportunities for improvement. 
  • Improved planning and forecasting: It allows for more accurate forecasting of demand, production and finances. 
  1. Greater visibility and control:

  • Centralización de datos: It stores all company data in a single system, providing a complete and unified view of the business. 
  • Improved traceability: It enables the movement of materials, products and transactions to be tracked throughout the supply chain. 


  1. Increased profitability:

  • Reduction of operating costs: By improving efficiency and minimising errors, operating costs are reduced. 
  • Increased productivity: It allows for increased production and sales. 


  1. Greater scalability and flexibility:

  • Facilitates business growth: It enables adaptation to changing market needs and new business opportunities. 
  • It supports international expansion: Permite gestionar operaciones en diferentes países y geografías. 
  • Integration with other technologies: Integrates with other business applications and systems for greater flexibility and functionality. 


How to implement a new ERP 

  • Acquisition and installation of software. 
  • Configuration and parameterization: Adapt the ERP to the company's processes, workflows and specific needs. 
  • Data migration: commercial and financial. 
  • Testing and validation 
  • User training: Formación y soporte. 

We elaborate on these points below. 


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Key steps to implement an ERP

Planning and preparation

  • Define clear objectives: What do you want to achieve with the ERP implementation? Improve inventory management, supply chain, finance, etc.?
  • Select the appropriate software: Evaluating different ERP options depending on the needs, budget and size of your company.
  • Form an implementation team: Bring together a multidisciplinary team with representatives from different departments to ensure a holistic view.
  • Develop a project plan: Create a detailed plan including timeline, tasks, resources and budget.

Learn more about ERP consultancy 


2. Implementation:

  • Acquisition and installation of software: Obtain the licences, install the software and set up the technical environment.
  • Configuration and parameterization: Adapt the ERP to the processes, workflows and specific needs of your company.
  • Data migration: Existing data is transferred from the current systems to the new ERP in a secure and accurate manner. If you do not have a previous ERP, there will be no historical data to transfer.
  • Testing and validation: The partner has carried out extensive testing to ensure that the system is working properly and meets the set objectives.
  • User training: Provide comprehensive training to employees on how to use the ERP effectively, both before and after ERP implementation.


3. Commissioning and support:

  • Implementation of the ERP: the system is put into operation in a production environment and its performance is monitored.
  • Continuous support: a partner should provide technical support to users to resolve questions and solve problems before, during and after the implementation process.
  • Monitoring and optimization: refers to the periodic review of ERP performance and its adjustments to optimize its operation.


4. Additional considerations:
  • Integration with other systems: Integrate ERP with other existing systems for greater efficiency and automation.
  • Upgrades and maintenance: Keep the ERP up to date with the latest versions and security patches.
  • Be flexible: Be prepared to adapt to changes and challenges that may arise during the implementation process.
  • Appropriate partner: do not hesitate to seek the help of a consultant or ERP implementation partner, at Adderit we provide you with a previous analysis, improvements and custom developments according to your needs.


Looking to implement an ERP system in your company?

Do you need to migrate from an obsolete ERP system to a new one?


We are here to advise you, ERP consulting experts at your disposal:

Madrid: 910 971 702 | Barcelona: 938 323 134

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