Power BI Days Santiago
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Wave 2 2023
Conoce todos los detalles de la Wave 2 de Dynamics 365 Business Central de 2023 con Adderit en nuestro blog.
Adderit Bizz Summit 2023
Los días 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2023, tuvimos el privilegio de ser Sponsor Oro en el evento anual de Bizz Summit, que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Madrid.
Power BI and how it can benefit your business
If your company is looking for a way to visualize and analyze your data more efficiently, Power BI is the answer you've been looking for.
Global Power Platform 2023
Events like this allow you to learn and share knowledge with a wide variety of people. Not only that, but they also demonstrate the great organizational skills and level of the Microsoft community.
Case study: Antala
Thanks to the implementation of Business Central, warehouse guns and Power BI, we have been able to homogenize and simplify warehouse inventory processes. On the other hand, we were able to streamline processes with the Power BI tool.
Power BI days Barcelona
After the success of the Power BI Days in Alicante, the Power BI Days Barcelona was held at the Joan Oliver Civic Center in Barcelona on 30/09 and 01/10.